Buccaneers of Freeport PDF Preview

Buccaneers of FreeportWe have posted a preview directly from the pages of Buccaneers of Freeport. “Among those pirates of whom legends are sung and drunken tavern-tales told, few are as infamous, or spoken of with such awe, as Scevola Hest, captain of the Black Contessa.” Read all about this spiteful spirit of a sea captain, and get a taste of Buccaneers of Freeport.
Buccaneers of Freeport PDF Preview: Scevola Hest

SIFRP Design Journal: The Heart of the Game

We’ve posted another A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying design journal by Rob Schwalb. This week’s entry is all about dice, and how they’re used in SIFRP.
SIFRP: The Heart of the Game

True20 on Wired

Today True20 is featured on Wired’s Geekdad blog.
True20: D&D With a Twist

A Song of Ice and Fire Designer Journal

We have posted the first of several designer journal entries by Robert J. Schwalb. In “A Vision of Ice and Fire,” Rob discusses the process involved in taking a popular setting and creating a fun, easy-to-learn game to complement it.
This designer journal appears on our new sub-site dedicated to A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying. This “SIFRP” site will include the design journals, product covers, links to the various products, and other product support as it becomes available.
A Vision of Ice and Fire
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying