Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 0: The Committee (Free PDF!)

Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 0: The Committee (Free PDF!)SCARE Sheets, written by John Jos. Miller, with game material and notes by Steve Kenson, is an expansion to our Wild Cards sourcebook, looking at the epic shared world setting changed forever when an alien virus mutates some of humanity into super-powered aces and twisted and deformed jokers. SCARE Sheets look at the characters of the new generation of Wild Cards books, starting with Inside Straight and continuing through Busted Flush and Suicide Kings.

SCARE is the Special Committee for Ace Resources and Endeavors, a U.S. government agency dealing with wild carders, and the products are formatted as SCARE reports on important ace and joker characters and factions. Each entry gets you a full write-up of a single character or short write-ups of a small group or faction.

The Committee is the United Nations’ answer to the world’s problems—or at the least its answer to the super-powered aces who want to do something about the world’s problems. Of course, the idealistic aces who sign on discover it’s easier to dream about changing things than it is to do it and make it stick. This SCARE Sheet provides a quick overview of the Committee and its ace members.

Of course, Wild Cards was published for the second edition of Mutants & Masterminds, so our first release for SCARE Sheets is a free quick conversion guide to using the sourcebook with the third edition of the game, written by designer Steve Kenson. With this you can bridge editions and generations in the Wild Cards setting!

Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 0: The Committee (Free PDF!)