Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Releases Announced

Warhammer Fantasy RoleplayOur friends at Black Industries have posted a bunch of information on upcoming releases for the second edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, scheduled for release in March 2005. As you can see, this update includes the cover image of the core rulebook.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Product Info

New News Is Good News

We have switched over to a new system for the news here on the official Green Ronin Publishing site. This should have little to no impact on you, but three things seem important enough to mention:
1) You will always be able to read all the articles from the old news system here or by clicking on “News Archive” in the left-hand navigation links. This archive includes every news item to ever be posted on this site before now.
2) You can find an RSS 1.0 feed for the new news system here.
3) We have double-posted some of the latest news items in the new system so that you don’t have to dig into the old system’s archives to read them.

Artifacts of the Ages: Rings Web Enhancement

Artifacts of the Ages: RingsThis Web Enhancement for Artifacts of the Ages: Rings features the legendary ring Akosmia. Artifacts of the Ages: Rings is brought to you by The Game Mechanics and Green Ronin Publishing, and is available now in retail stores and in the Green Ronin Online Store.
Artifacts of the Ages: Rings Web Enhancement

SpirosBlaak PDF Preview #2: Black Powder Weapons

SpirosBlaakToday we present the second PDF preview for SpirosBlaak, Black Powder Weapons. This tasty preview will tell you all about guns in the world of SpirosBlaak. The Webmaster can’t wait to go after some werewolves with his trusty Dwarven Axe Musket–with silvered musket balls, of course.
SpirosBlaak Preview #2: Black Powder Weapons

The Black Company Campaign Setting Back in Stock

The Black Company Campaign SettingWe blew through our initial shipment of The Black Company Campaign Setting in a couple of days, but the book is back in stock at the Green Ronin Online Store, so if you didn’t get yours yet, fear not.
The Black Company Campaign Setting Order Page

The Red Star Campaign Setting Nominated for InQuest Gamer Fan Award

The Red Star Campaign SettingWe are pleased to announce that The Red Star Campaign Setting has been nominated for Best RPG Supplement in the InQuest Gamer Fan Awards.
Vote for The Red Star Campaign Setting Today!
This same beautiful, full-color hardback of a d20 Modern setting supplement recently received a 5/5 review from Teflon Billy on ENWorld.
The Red Star Campaign Setting Review: 5/5

SpirosBlaak PDF Preview #1: Witch Hill Goblins

SpirosBlaakThis PDF preview from SpirosBlaak, our long-awaited Mythic Vistas sourcebook of werewolf-fighting goodness, details the Witch Hill goblins. Download it today!
SpirosBlaak PDF Preview #1

The Black Company Campaign Setting PDF Preview

Today we present a PDF Preview of The Black Company Campaign Setting. These pages from Chapter Three: Character Backgrounds detail the bonuses and traits gained by some of the available character backgrounds. Included are Aristocrat, Beggar, Bureaucrat, Commoner, Con Artist, Criminal, Engineer, Entertainer, and Fugitive.
Download The Black Company Campaign Setting PDF Preview
[Updated 8/22/2009: fixed links.]

Gen Con So Cal

Today Chris and Hal are jetting off to Anaheim, California, for Gen Con So Cal. If you’re anywhere near Southern California, head on over, meet Chris and Hal, and see what cool new products we’ve got for you.
More about Gen Con So Cal