Blue Rose Released in PDF Format on

Blue RoseWe are happy to announce that Blue Rose, the roleplaying game of romantic fantasy, is now available in PDF format on The print version of the book is now at the printers, and will be available soon. The 224-page book can be downloaded for $16.
Read the Press Release
Buy Blue Rose on RPGNow

Trojan War Web Enhancement: Greater Divine Offspring

Trojan WarWhile we’re dishing out some Trojan War goodness, how about a Web Enhancement? The new divine offspring race lets you play some of the heroes of legend–the children of the gods themselves.
Trojan War Web Enhancement: Greater Divine Offspring

Trojan War PDF Preview

Trojan WarWe recently realized that we never gave you a sneak peek at The Trojan War, our popular Mythic Vistas setting supplement that lets you adventure in the time of the Greek gods and take part in Homeric myths. To rectify that situation, today we present a PDF preview featuring the entire charioteer class, straight out of the book.
Trojan War PDF Preview: Charioteer

Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement #4: Eye King

Advanced BestiaryOur final Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement provides the eye king template.
Eye King Template

Blue Rose Adventure Hooks

Blue RoseWe have added a Blue Rose Adventure Hook Generator to These quest ideas will add excitement to your time spent in the World of Aldea.
Blue Rose Adventure Hook Generator
Printable List of 100 Blue Rose Hooks

Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement #3: Drider

Advanced BestiaryThe Spider Queen creates the hideous half-spiders known as driders to serve as examples to her followers of the consequences of failure. Now you can apply the drider template to the creature of your choice. Come back tomorrow for another Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement!
Drider Template

Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement #2: Chaosborne

Advanced BestiaryChaosborne creatures have a terrible obsession with chaos, and they love to share… Come back tomorrow for another Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement!
Chaosborne Template

Green Ronin PDF Goodness Goes On…

We just can’t stop ourselves from sending more cool PDFs your way. Today we present a newly-available PDF product for your purchasing pleasure, and two free Web Enhancements for your downloading delight.

Hamunaptra: The Book of Days

Hamunaptra: The Book of Days

We are pleased to announce that the Player’s Book from the Egyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra boxed set is now available on RPGNow as a PDF.

Hamunaptra: The Book of Days

Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement #1

Advanced Bestiary

The first of four templates that were cut from Advanced Bestiary due to space constraints, the Avian Creature template lets you give the gift of flight to any air-breathing, flight-challenged creature. Come back tomorrow for another Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement!

Avian Creature Template

Book of Fiends Web Enhancement #2

Book of Fiends

This PDF updates Jim Bishop’s classic Hell’s Foes download to the 3.5 rules, and adds cool new stuff to boot!

Foes of the Fiends

The Black Company Campaign Setting Web Enhancement: Thieves of the Silver Spike

The Black Company Campaign SettingSome of the most popular characters in the Black Company series aren’t even in the Black Company. The thieves of the silver spike—Old Man Fish, Smeds Stahl, Timmy Locan, and Tully Stahl—are all included in today’s Web Enhancement for The Black Company Campaign Setting.
The Black Company Campaign Setting Web Enhancement: Thieves of the Silver Spike
[Updated 8/22/2009: fixed links]

Advanced Player’s Manual PDF Preview

Advanced Player's ManualTo celebrate its electronic release on RPGNow, here’s a PDF preview of Advanced Player’s Manual. In it you’ll find the entire listing for the Spellmaster.
Advanced Player’s Manual PDF Preview