Tag Archive for: bestiary

Mountain Terrors: Stonehorn (Chronicle System PDF)

Mountain Terrors: Stonehorn (Chronicle System PDF)

Mountain Terrors: Stonehorn (Chronicle System PDF)

Leaping from impossible perch to seemingly sheer cliff is the stonehorn, a mighty beast that is to goats what dire wolves are to normal wolves. These four-horned, pony-sized animals reach the highest of peaks and consume the salt and other minerals they crave imbedded in the stone of the mountains. Though they are not predatory, they do not hesitate to defend their territory and their young with vicious stone horns completely infused with the minerals they consume.

Mountain Terrors: Stonehorn is a bestiary PDF for the Chronicle System, the rules engine that powers our popular A Song of Ice & Fire Roleplaying game.

Mountain Terrors: Needle Roc (Chronicle System PDF)

Mountain Terrors: Needle Roc

Mountain Terrors: Needle Roc

In the mountain heights hunts the needle roc. Much larger than its smaller eagle cousin, the needle roc is a raptor with a particularly distinctive hunting style: it flies past prey and threats alike, popping the viciously hooked quills along its wings to eviscerate those unlucky enough to have earned its ire. Between its large size, viciously hooked talons and twelve-foot quilled wingspan, this beast is a terror to watch out for.

Mountain Terrors: Needle Roc is a bestiary PDF for the Chronicle System, the rules engine that powers our popular A Song of Ice & Fire Roleplaying game.

Chronicle System Mountain Terror: Crag Lurker

Mountain Terrors: Crag Lurker (Chronicle System PDF)In the reaches of high crags swept by hot winds, the crag lurker lies in wait. A fierce reptilian predator, it does not discriminate between herd and herdsman, but will feast on both without hesitation. Those who would cross the warm, dry peaks and buttes of the deserts and scrublands must steel themselves against these monsters.

Mountain Terrors: Crag Lurker is a bestiary PDF for the Chronicle System, the rules engine that powers our popular A Song of Ice & Fire Roleplaying game. Find out more in this free Mountain Terrors: Introduction PDF!