The Expanse RPG: The Transport Union Edition!

Introducing The Expanse RPG: The Transport Union Edition!

Free Protogen Dice Set for Day 1 Backers! 
We’re funding through Backerkit, and you can sign up to be notified of the campaign kick off! Launch day backers get a free set of Protogen dice and first crack at any limited reward tiers. The Transport Union Edition is an updated and revised core rulebook that takes you 30 years into the future of The Expanse storyline- and  it is 100% compatible with existing characters and ships!

The Transport Union Edition expands the background and rules but the core game of the original 2019 edition remains the same. Previous supplements like Ships of the Expanse, Beyond the Ring, and the Sol System remain great and useful resources. Our VTT offerings will get full compendium support at both Roll20 and Foundry, allowing you to play the game online with your friends wherever they are.

The Transport Union Edition features:

  • A new adventure PDF
  • New rules for cyber/bio augmentation for player characters
  • New ship types
  • Expanded and revised ship combat rules
  • Ground vehicle rules,
  • Rules for Earthers, Martians, and belters operating in different gravitation environments
  • Expanded equipment and tech, including new item qualities!

Learn more about The Expanse RPG: The Transport Union Edition and sign up to be notified today!