Tag Archive for: M&M

Ronin Round Table: Unexpected Heroes

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to run a few games at GenCon. Since I have a novel, Sacred Band, releasing soon, I decided to create a Mutants & Masterminds scenario where the players played the characters who star in that novel. Gimmicky and self-serving, yes, but since creating my protagonists in the Mutants & Masterminds rules set was part of the character design I did as part of writing the novel, it seemed only fitting.

Now, part of my setting postulates occasional natural disaster-level phenomena referred to as “Echo Events.” These are always different, but almost always disastrous in some way. They are also where one of the three kinds of supers in my setting get their powers (these folks are called “Echoes,” for obvious reasons).

The scenario for the convention—titled “Sacred Band: The Indy Event”—has some of the heroes attending a certain gaming convention in the middle of an Indianapolis summer when one of these Echo Events hits. Crazy, unexpected phenomena arise: large metal structures being “floating” skyward, certain people find themselves the center of hive minds of dedicated drone-like followers, animals in the zoo nearby become super-strong and savage, and bodies of water all across the area begin to inexplicably rise. Read more

Rogues Gallery: Skyjacker (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Skyjacker (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Skyjacker (PDF)

The Skyjacker is a thrill seeker and professional risk taker. He wasn’t built for everyday life and at the first opportunity, he stole an experimental aircraft, kidnapped its inventor, and began his career as a buccaneer for hire along with his crew of Sky Pirates! Now, as aerial pirates, he and his crew make their living stealing from others or selling their very specialized services.

Hire Skyjacker and his Sky Pirates today!

Rogues Gallery: Esquire (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Esquire (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Esquire (PDF)

It seems as if we got distracted by Gen Con and forgot to let you know that we released a new Rogues Gallery PDF for Mutants & Masterminds back on August 1. (Thank you to everybody who rolled a critical perception check and found Esquire already—we appreciate your support!)

Esquire is one of the world’s richest men. He was raised to be exceptional and he has embraced his high status wholeheartedly, even going so far as to hunt people for sport on their turf or, more likely, on his private island. His deadly skill with his specially-designed rifle makes him dangerous, but his money and lawyers make him almost impossible to stop.

Get Esquire today—just $1.95!

Mutants & Masterminds Annual #2 PDF

Mutants & Masterminds Annual #2Previously only available in a limited print run to our Freelancer Fundraiser donors, the Mutants & Masterminds Annual #2 is now available in PDF format from our Green Ronin Online Store. It will not be reprinted, but if you weren’t able to pick it up the first time around, you can now have it in electronic format.
Mutants & Masterminds Annual #2