Valiant Adventures: Final Week, New Social Goals

We are into the final week of the Valiant Adventures RPG crowdfunder, so it’s time to superpower this Kickstarter. To that end, we have created a new set of social goals for the campaign. These are keyed off social media shares and the total number of backers. You help us spread the word and your pledge gets better. Win, win! Here are the new goals:

Social Goals

If we hit 450 Reward Tier Backers*, dust jackets for both the Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook and Worlds of Valiant will unlock at $50,000. You will get to vote on the design of each dust jacket, choosing one of three designs for each book.

If we hit 550 Reward Tier Backers, all backers will get a free month of access to the new Atomic Think Tank on Mighty Networks, which we are getting ready to launch. We’re building the Atomic Think Tank to be THE place to connect with the Green Ronin Publishing community, the team, and exclusive insider events and activities for your favorite Green Ronin Publishing titles! When this goal is unlocked, it means that every backer gets a VIP early-access subscription for one month, FREE! No credit card, no mess, just an all-access pass to secret playtests, Dev chats, exclusive member-only campaign tools and supplements, plus you get to hang out with heroes like you—a table of friends awaits, all we’re missing is you!

If we hit 650 Reward Tier Backers, all backers will get free three months access to the Atomic Think Tank.

If you heroes help us with 200 Social Media Shares, the free 32-page adventure stretch goal will unlock at $60,000. Here are the links to share.

To the Kickstarter page:

To the campaign video on YouTube:

Remember that in addition to the books themselves, we’re also offering great add-ons like Hero Point Tokens from Campaign Coins, a Valiant Adventures playmat, Condition Cards, Player and GM Journals, and more. In previous crowdfunders we’ve run, we might have done some of these as stretch goals, but we wanted all the coolness available from day 1 of the Kickstarter.

Valiant Adventures Kickstarter Add-ons!

Thanks so much for your support. Let’s unlock some social goals!