Thieves’ World Player’s Manual PDF Preview

Thieves' World Player's ManualWe’ve posted a free sneak peek from Chapter 4: Classes of the Thieves’ World Player’s Manual. Read all about the Crime Lord and the Gladiator, two of the prestige classes you can play as one of the fine citizens of Sanctuary. Thieves’ World Player’s Manual is currently at print.
Thieves’ World Player’s Manual PDF Preview

Come See Us At Origins

Origins International Games Expo 2005Green Ronin HQ is shutting down this week, as most of our staffers are heading to Columbus, Ohio for Origins 2005. We’ll be in the Exhibit Hall in Booth 727, Thursday – Saturday 10am – 6pm, and Sunday 10am – 4pm.
If you swing by our booth we’ll be glad to show you the Advanced Gamemaster’s Guide, Temple Quarter, and Frankenstein’s Children (all new at the show), plus our usual assortment and WFRP books as well!
View Our Origins 2005 Events Calendar

True20 FAQ

We have posted an official True20 FAQ to the True20 forum. Please check it out before asking any of us anything about True20 or the True20 Setting Search. If you have a question that isn’t answered there, feel free to post it to the FAQ. Please be aware that you might not receive a direct answer to your query–we will, however, be updating the FAQ as appropriate. Thanks!
Read the True20 FAQ

True20 Setting Search

Today Green Ronin released the PDF version of the True20 Adventure Roleplaying game. This innovative game engine first appeared in the Blue Rose RPG and it served the romantic fantasy genre admirably. It didn’t take fans long to figure out that True20 would also be great for other settings and genres and that’s why we’re releasing a core book for the system. True20 Adventure Roleplaying contains the rules from Blue Rose, plus a Modern appendix. The PDF version presents a complete game system but it does not present any campaign settings.
This is why Green Ronin is proud to announce the True20 Setting Search.
We’re planning a print edition of the True20 game early next year and we want it to feature several sample campaign settings. We are looking for talented publishers to lend their creativity to this endeavor. The challenge: design an exciting campaign setting of any genre that shows off the elegance and flexibility of the True20 system.
The rules of the True20 Setting Search are simple:

  • Your company must create an original campaign setting using the True20 rules. The setting should be approximately 15,000 words and should be as polished and edited as possible.
  • You must be a publisher (print, PDF, or both) with at least two released publications to participate.
  • Submissions must be received by Green Ronin on or before September 19, 2005.
  • You should send both a hard copy and a non-returnable floppy disk or CD with an rtf file of the submission to:
    Green Ronin Publishing
    Attn: True20 Setting Search
    PO Box 1723
    Renton, WA 98057-1723
  • Each entry must be accompanied by a submissions form. We’ll be putting this form online later this summer.
  • Each company can only submit one setting. We want to see your best work, not every idea you’ve got.
  • Green Ronin will judge the entrants and announce the results in December.
  • The winning entries will appear as sample campaign settings in the printed version of the True20 Adventure Roleplaying Game. The number of winners will depend on the quality of the submissions that we receive.
  • If your company wins, you’ll retain ownership of your setting and receive full credit in the True20 book. You’ll also receive a royalty free license to use the True20 logo on any support material for your setting that you choose to produce.
  • The only limitation on this support material is that each product must require the use of the True20 Adventure Roleplaying Game. Stand-alone games using the True20 rules are not permissible.

The True20 Setting Search is a great opportunity for your company to get some attention. If you win, your material will be showcased in a major release from one of the leading RPG publishers in the world and then you’ll have the opportunity to capitalize on that with releases of your own.
We look forward to your submissions.

True20 Adventure Roleplaying

We are pleased to announce that we have released the True20 Adventure Roleplaying game in PDF format on
True20 Adventure RoleplayingTrue20 Adventure Roleplaying
Designed by Steve Kenson
96 page PDF
MSRP: $12.00

The Blue Rose roleplaying game introduced the True20 system to roleplayers interested in fast moving, easy-to-use rules for fantasy roleplaying. Now True20 Adventure Roleplaying makes the True20 rules available for creating the worlds of your imagination! This 96-page PDF contains everything you need to play! From creating your own heroes, to skills, feats, supernatural powers, and equipment, you can get started right away.
True20 simplifies and streamlines game systems: everything is resolved using the same core mechanic and all you need is a single twenty-sided die to play! There’s no bookkeeping of points, whether hit points or experience and the games moves as fast thanks to innovations like the Toughness save damage system, based on the award-winning Mutants & Masterminds RPG.
If you want a fast, simple, and fun game system that’s still familiar to players of the world’s most popular RPGs, if you want a vehicle for creating worlds of adventure, then True20 is for you! True fun, true excitement, true adventure, True20.
True20 Adventure Roleplaying on

Thieves’ World Interview with Robert J. Schwalb on has posted an interview with Robert J. Schwalb, Green Ronin’s d20 System Line Developer, and almost the only person we know with a graduate degree in Evil. Read along as he discusses developing Thieves’ World.
Thieves’ World Interview on

Green Ronin and Ronin Arts Announce PDF Partnership

Green Ronin Publishing and Ronin Arts are proud to announce a partnership to produce PDF products. Under the agreement Ronin Arts will design new RPG publications that support established Green Ronin lines, such as Freeport, Blue Rose, the d20 Advanced Rulebooks, and Mutants & Masterminds. Green Ronin will release the PDFs as part of its multi-media RPG strategy.
The first two products born of this partnership are now available on Vengeance in Freeport is an adventure set in Freeport, and the Blue Rose Narrator’s Journal is a compendium of handy forms to keep your Blue Rose campaign organized and running smoothly.
Vengeance in Freeport on RPGNow
Blue Rose Narrator’s Journal on RPGNow
Read the Press Release

Thieves’ World Developer’s Journal Update

Today in the Thieves’ World Developer’s Journal Robert J. Schwalb gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the magic system.
Read Sorcery in Thieves’ World

Announcing True20 Adventure Roleplaying

Green Ronin Publishing is proud to announce to upcoming release of the True20 Adventure Roleplaying game. Based on the innovative new rules system from Blue Rose, our Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy, True20 provides a complete set of rules for fast, easy, and fun adventure roleplaying. All you need is a single 20-sided die to play, and the system guides you through the process of creating your own heroic character, with plenty of options to choose from, letting you create the hero you want to play! True20 Adventure Roleplaying will be available next week in PDF format from RPGNow. Whether you are an experienced roleplayer or just looking for a new, simple, and fun game system, True20 is roleplaying done right!

Announcing Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition!

We are pleased to announce that Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition is on the way! The 256-page full-color hardcover book will ship to the hobby and book trade in September of this year. We know you have lots of questions about this, so M&M Line Developer Steve Kenson has prepared a FAQ and an entire series of articles (to appear weekly in Super-Vision over on over the course of the next three months or so) all about M&M 2E.
View the Press Release
Download the FAQ (PDF format)
Read Steve’s M&M 2E Developer’s Journal #0