Big Catalog Update

Since our last product update we have added several upcoming print products to our catalog, made some products available for sale in the Green Ronin Online Store, and posted some new PDF products to
Paths of the Damned: Ashes of Middenheim is part 1 of an epic adventure trilogy for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and is now available for pre-order in the Green Ronin Online Store. Pre-orders placed now will ship to arrive on or after the official release date of June 2.
Aasimar & Tiefling is now available for purchase and download from This Races of Renown series book presents planar races you can use as PCs or NPCs in your d20 System campaign.
Upcoming print products recently added to our catalog include the Freeport Trilogy 5th Anniversary Edition, Temple Quarter (as seen in The Game Mechanics’ catalog on RPGNow), and the latest entry in our Mythic Vistas series, Eternal Rome.
We are also happy to announce that we have posted product information for the first two books for Thieves’ World, the Thieves’ World Player’s Manual and Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn. Look for a lot more Thieves’ World previews and articles to appear on this site soon!

Goodman Games to Publish Shadows in Freeport

Shadows in FreeportToday Goodman Games announced that they will be publishing a d20 System adventure set in Green Ronin Publishing’s legendary Freeport: The City of Adventure. Better still, Shadows in Freeport was written by our own d20 Line Developer, Robert J. Schwalb.
Read the Press Release
Visit Goodman Games’ Web Site

5th Anniversary Sale: Week Five Week

Welcome to Week Five Week of our 5th Anniversary Sale. This week you’ll find Noble’s Handbook and Dezzavold: Fortress of the Drow at $5 each, and our Award Winner Showcase product is the M&M adventure Time of Crisis, priced at 50% off this week. Sure, "Week Five Week" is lame, but it’s better than "Noble Elf Crisis Week"…
5th Anniversary Sale in the Green Ronin Online Store

Two New PDFs on RPGNow

On you can now find two more Mythic Vistas products in PDF form: Medieval Player’s Manual and the long-awaited Hittites expansion to Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era.
Green Ronin on

WFRP GM’s Pack Available Now

WFRP Gamemaster's PackWe forgot to mention that the Gamemaster’s Pack for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is now available through our online store. It should also be available from other game and book retailers around the world.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Gamemaster’s Pack

5th Anniversary Sale: Steve Kenson Appreciation Week

Week Four of our 5th Anniversary Sale features three great books by Steve Kenson, on sale for this week only. Witch’s Handbook and Shaman’s Handbook are just $5 each, and our Award-Winner Showcase product for this week, at 50% off, is Freedom City, the official setting for Mutants & Masterminds.
Visit the 5th Anniversary Sale page in the Green Ronin Online Store

Testament PDF Available on RPGNow

Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical EraWe have released Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era in PDF format on
Next week we’ll be releasing the long-awaited supplement, Testament: The Hittites as a PDF on
Buy Testament on

Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets Print Now Available

Gimmick's Guide to GadgetsGimmick’s Guide to Gadgets has arrived in Green Ronin HQ from the printers, so it’s now available for sale in our Green Ronin Online Store. If you preordered GGtG, we are filling orders, and your wait will soon be over.
Buy Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets

WFRP Old World Bestiary Now Available

Old World Bestiary for Warhammer Fantasy RoleplayWe have the Old World Bestiary in the office, and it looks awesome if we do say so ourselves. Since we’ve got it, that means you can get it now, too, in our Green Ronin Online Store.
Buy Old World Bestiary

5th Anniversary Sale: Master Class Week

Welcome to Week Three of our Green Ronin 5th Anniversary Sale! Until next Monday in the Green Ronin Online Store you will find Avatar’s Handbook and Unholy Warrior’s Handbook for a mere $5 each! Additionally, you will be able to pick up our Award Winner Showcase product, the Torches & Pitchforks card game, for half price–that’s just $12.48 for more than a pound of fast, furious fun! You’re going to need a way to carry around all this gaming goodness, so why not pick up a Green Ronin Ultimate Gamer’s Satchel for $5 off, while you’re at it?
Check out the 5th Anniversary Sale in the Green Ronin Online Store