Advanced Player’s Manual PDF Preview #2: Luck

If your d20 System hero had to survive by wits, brawn, and charm alone, her career might well be short-lived. The Advanced Player’s Manual gives your character a new ability score, Luck, which might explain how she always seems to survive impossible situations, or why nothing ever goes her way. Today’s your lucky day, too, as we have for you a free PDF of the entirety of Chapter One: Abilities, featuring the Luck ability.
Download the Advanced Player’s Manual PDF Preview #2

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Warhammer Fantasy RoleplayIn case you haven’t noticed the link on the left of this page, we have put up a section of the site just for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, aka WFRP. It includes information on the first three products to be released (with info on upcoming products to follow soon), and a FAQ all about WFRP and Green Ronin’s involvement with the resurrection of this classic roleplaying game.
As for those first three products, they will be available for sale on this site and at book and game retailers around the world, starting tomorrow morning.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay on

Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets PDF Released on RPGNow

Gimmick's Guide to GadgetsWe are quite pleased to announce that Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets is now available on in PDF format. This 128-page, full-color, 6MB file is $14 to download. It will be followed soon by the full-color, perfect-bound print release, which will retail for $25.95.
Buy Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets on RPGNow

Advanced Race Codex

Advanced Race CodexWe have added the Advanced Race Codex to our online catalog. The book is currently in layout, and will be first released in PDF format on, and then in print. We’ll let you know as it becomes available in each format.
Advanced Race Codex Product Page

Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets Produced in Print and Pixels

Gimmick's Guide to GadgetsGimmick’s Guide to Gadgets is now at print. Next week the book will be released electronically in PDF format on The print version will follow once it is finished printing and has shipped into the distribution channels.

Corwyl and Dezzavold Available As PDFs

We have added Corwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Dezzavold: Fortress of the Drow to our PDF catalog over on There’s never been a better time to shop for real estate for your good or evil elf.
View our list of PDF products on

Conventions Galore!

Chris and Nicole are at [url=]Conquest LA[/url] at the LAX Marriott, today through Monday.
Mutants & Masterminds creator and Line Developer Steve Kenson is at DunDraCon this weekend, in San Ramon, CA.
Next weekend d20 Line Developer Robert J. Schwalb is the guest of honor at Gamicon XI, in Iowa City, Iowa.
If you’re anywhere near any of these conventions, we’d love for you to stop by and see us!

Bow & Blade PDF Available on

Bow & BladeWe’re happy to let you know that Bow & Blade, the authoritative d20 System sourcebook on wood elves, is now available on RPGNow in PDF form.
Bow & Blade on RPGNow

WFRP Previews

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay on BlackIndustries.comIn case you’ve ever found yourself thinking, I wonder what those Green Ronin guys are up to?, we thought we’d tell you more about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition. For those of you who might not know, Green Ronin Publishing is the roleplaying development studio for Black Industries, the roleplaying arm of Games Workshop’s Black Library.
Some of us have been spending all our waking hours getting Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, second edition, (aka WFRP) ready to go to the printers (where the book and a supplement or two are now). Our president, Chris Pramas, and our business manager, Nicole Lindroos, recently got back from a trip to England, where they met with Black Industries at Games Workshop world headquarters. Right before they came back home, they were able to review proofs of the book. Ever the crafty one, Nicole took some snapshots of the proofs. Just click the “More” link below to check them out.
While we’re at it, we’re happy to point you to some previews that have recently been made available on, the official site for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay on

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