Tag Archive for: Stay Valiant

Condition Cards Breakdown!

Condition Cards for Valiant Adventures Roleplaying

Hello Heroes! Now that we’re fully into the Kickstarter I wanted to write up some updates about all of the fun add-ons we’re including in this campaign. Mutants & Masterminds is a game that has a lot of moving parts and one of the things I really wanted to add to the game for Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game was a collection of physical items that help with keeping track of everything. I started with a deck of Condition Cards because we already had one of those for M&M, but I knew it was going to need to be updated to reflect the changes we’ve made to some of the Conditions. These are meant to streamline the process of debuffing heroes and villains alike without having to go to the rulebook every time you need to remember the penalties of Compelled or Defenseless.

I did divide the conditions into two categories: Common and Uncommon to reflect Conditions that come up a lot in a given combat and some that are a little more character specific. Here is the breakdown for the two lists:

Common Conditions

  • Fatigued
  • Exhausted
  • Dazed
  • Stunned
  • Surprised
  • Incapacitated
  • Dying
  • Wounded

Uncommon Conditions

  • Prone
  • Compelled
  • Restrained
  • Transformed
  • Hindered
  • Blind
  • Deaf
  • Disabled
  • Impaired
  • Immobile
  • Defenseless
  • Paralyzed
  • Asleep
  • Bound
  • Entranced
  • Debilitated
  • Vulnerable
  • Controlled
  • Weakened

We’ve come up with two versions of this deck, one for Gamemasters and one for players. The cards are sorted into two tiers: Common and Uncommon Conditions. Common Conditions have five copies of each card. Uncommon have two. Injuries and Bruises have their own category because theoretically heroes are going to be suffering a lot more of these with the new lethal and nonlethal Damage tracks.

We’ve included 15 Injuries and 15 Bruises, 40 Common Condition Cards, and 38 Uncommon Condition Cards in the GM Deck leading to a total of 108 cards in that deck. The player deck has 32 cards: 5 Injuries and Bruises and 1 of each other card.

These decks are going to make gameplay even faster for new and experienced players and I can’t wait to see them at game tables!

In our next update, we’ll take a closer look at the brand new Playmat.

And as always, Stay Valiant!

Valiant Adventures with Penny Arcade, Chris Pramas, and Alex Thomas TODAY!

Watch Alex Thomas and Chris Pramas play Valiant Adventures with Penny Arcade on Twitch!

Valiant Adventures with Penny Arcade

Today’s episode of ThursdAGE will be preempted in order to bring you this special presentation!

Green Ronin’s CEO Chris Pramas and celebrity Gamemaster to the stars, Alex M&M Thomas, will be joining Penny Arcade today on their Twitch channel for a Valiant Adventures one-shot!

Valiant Adventures RPG One-Shot

ft. Penny Arcade!

With GM Alex Thomas!

 Today, Thursday, Jan 25th

1PM Pacific, 4PM


Again, no ThursdAGE TODAY!  We’re all going to be watching Alex and Chris on Twitch!

See you there!

Valiant Adventures has Funded & Penny Arcade Livestream

Back Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game on Kickstarter today!

Back the Kickstarter in the first 72 hours, and receive Unity Vol 1 PDF, FREE!

I am so excited that we have finally released the Kickstarter for the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game! Steve and I have been working so hard for the past few years bringing this game to life and I’m so thrilled you’re excited to get your hands on it. There are so many exciting stories waiting to be told and I can’t wait for these dynamic new rules to hit your tables.

It’s been great hearing initial feedback for the Valiant Quickstart and seeing your speculation online about what our rule adaptations mean for combat, roleplaying, skills, advantages, and every other aspect of Mutants & Masterminds. I am particularly thrilled to see so many people saying that this iteration of the system will be new player friendly. One of our biggest design goals was to make the game seem more approachable, because M&M has some of the fastest, most cinematic gameplay in the industry and I see so many people never get to that point because of how intimidating character creation appears to be. The new design aesthetic for the book and the flow of information appears to be doing great work to ease some of that anxiety.

Now that we’ve funded, we need to keep pushing for those stretch goals! Steve and I have so many ideas for exciting content for this game and with your support we can see those goals realized. Please share the link around your friends and communities and let’s make this game the best that it can be!

Please remember to mention our 72 hour incentive, Unity Vol. 1 in PDF, to anyone you introduce the campaign to and tune in on today  at 1pm PST/4pm EST when I run a one shot for the amazing folks over at Penny Arcade!

Thank you everyone for your support so far and Stay Valiant!

Green Ronin Releases the free Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart Ahead of January 23rd Kickstarter Kick-Off!

Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart available now for FREE!

Available Now!

Are you ready to embark on an epic super-powered adventure in the Valiant Comics universe? Green Ronin has just released the Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart (PDF), a gateway to the action-packed world powered by the Mutants & Masterminds game system! Designed by Alexander Thomas and Steve Kenson, this 39-page, full-color PDF provides everything you and your fellow heroes need to dive into an exciting adventure. Whether you’re an experienced gamer or new to tabletop roleplaying, this Quickstart is your ticket to creating epic stories within the iconic Valiant Universe.

Adventure Begins Here

Within the pages of the Valiant Adventures Quickstart, you’ll find information and tools to kickstart (heh) your superheroic escapades

Welcome to the Valiant Universe: 

Dive headfirst into the rich lore of the Valiant Universe. Explore the history, factions, and iconic characters that make this universe so compelling. Whether you’re a longtime Valiant fan or a newcomer, there’s something here to captivate your imagination.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Roleplaying: 

New to roleplaying games? Fear not! The Quickstart provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide that walks you through the basics. From resolving actions to crafting narratives, you’ll be up to speed in no time.

Introduction to the Game System: 

The Valiant Adventures Quickstart introduces new facets to the Mutants & Masterminds game system, like the new damage rules outline by line developer Alex Thomas in his recent Ronin Round Table blog: “Ouch that Hurts!”

Starter Adventure:

Ready to jump into action? The Quickstart includes a starter adventure titled “RE:GENERATION.” A group of young psiots uncover shocking truths about themselves and the world they thought they knew. The Quickstart was designed to be the perfect introduction to the Valiant Universe for you and your team of heroes!

Pre-Generated Characters: 

The Quickstart provides six pre-generated heroes, ready for you to customize and play. Dive right into the action without the hassle of character creation.

Stay Valiant!

More than just a rulebook; the Valiant Adventures Quickstart is a gateway to limitless adventures. Whether you’re a player or a Gamemaster, it offers an ideal starting point. If you’re new to the system, the Quickstart provides a gentle learning curve and immerses you in a captivating world!

Ready to embark on your heroic journey? Download the Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart for free from the Green Ronin Online Store and our friends at DrivethruRPG.

Get Notified!

While the kick off shifted ahead one week, you can be sure you don’t miss a thing by signing up to be notified when the the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game Kickstarter. With one click, you’ll be among the first to know when the Kickstarter campaign goes live on January 23rd!

Don’t miss out on the chance to explore even more super-powered adventures in the Valiant Universe, head on over to the campaign and hit that notification button!  

There you have it! The free Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart (PDF) is your passport to a new world of heroism, villains, and unforgettable adventures. Great for those donning a cape for the first time, and the seasoned hero alike. 

Assemble your team, choose your powers, and warm up your d20 arm – it’s time to embark on an epic journey into the Valiant Universe. Adventure awaits – Stay Valiant!

Ouch that Hurts!

Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game, coming soon to Kickstarter!

Click the image to be notified when the campaign goes live!

Hello heroes! It was an incredibly eventful back half of 2023. I went to U-Con in mid-November where I ran six M&M events, Galaxy Con in December where I ran two M&M events, and I ran a special event at Around the Table in Lynnwood, Washington over the last few weeks. As I said, these were all Mutants & Masterminds, but what I didn’t tell people until they sat down was that I was playtesting the new damage rules for our upcoming Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game, and let me tell you, they were brutal!

These new damage rules are meant to simulate the grounded and dangerous combat of the Valiant Universe and it certainly did that in spades. Essentially, there are now two damage tracks: one non-lethal and one lethal that changes the way damage is applied to characters.

The new damage track is as follows:

  • Succeeding at a Toughness resistance check now incurs 1 Bruise (non-lethal) or 1 Injury (lethal) which reduces your resistance checks by 1.
  • Failing a Toughness resistance check by 1 degree incurs 2 Bruises or Injuries and the Dazed (non-lethal) or Stunned (lethal) condition.
  • Failing a Toughness resistance check by 2 degrees incurs 3 Bruises or Injuries and the Staggered (non-lethal) or Wounded (lethal) condition.
  • Failing a Toughness resistance check by 3 degrees incurs the Incapacitated (non-lethal) or Dying (lethal) conditions.

I quite enjoyed how the new damage affected gameplay. Every attack felt substantial, with both heroes and villains finding themselves in a lot more danger. It sped things up significantly (which as everyone who has ever played a “one shot” with me can attest to is a good thing for me.) The players really seemed to enjoy it when the villains were taking a lot more damage from each attack, not quite so much when it was done to them, but overall it felt in keeping with the tone Steve and I are trying to capture for Valiant Adventures. I did not show off some of the new things we have in store for Healing, Regeneration, and Toughness but I’m excited to see how those changes interact with the new damage.

I’d tell you more about some of my theories, but I can’t do that until we get a little closer to our launch date for the Kickstarter. Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game is coming soon and we will be doing playtesting for it over on the Mutants & Masterminds Patreon. Keep an eye out on this space for more details as the Kickstarter gets closer and over on the Patreon if you want to be among the first to try these new rules out for yourself. Just make sure to pack some gauze and ice packs. I have a feeling we’re going to be beating up a lot of player characters in the next few months!

Valiant Adventures RPG Kickstarter Launching January 16th!

Valiant Adventures RPG Kickstarter launching January 16th!FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE




Mutants & Masterminds Powers New Roleplaying Game Set in the Valiant Universe


December 19, 2023—SEATTLE, WA and NEW YORK, NY: Green Ronin Publishing announced today that the Kickstarter for the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game will launch on January 16. The tabletop RPG leader first revealed a licensing agreement with DMG Entertainment and Valiant Entertainment in April of 2023. Now the crowdfunding campaign for Valiant Adventures, based on Green Ronin’s popular and award-winning Mutants & Masterminds RPG, is set to begin next month.


“Our mission is to bring the pages of Valiant comics to life in a roleplaying game,” said the game’s developer Alexander Thomas. “The Mutants & Masterminds rules, renowned for their adaptability, ensure a game world infused with Valliant’s signature gritty realism. The adaptations we made to our M&M Quickstart Character Generator cover Valiant staples like Deadsiders, psiots, or nanite-infused heroes. The Worlds of Valiant campaign setting features game stats for over 80 heroes and villains, and iconic locations like Britannia, The Deadside, Earth, The Faraway, New Japan, Space, The Stalinverse, and The Unknown.”


Valiant Adventures is a stand-alone RPG so anyone can jump right in. It is also fully compatible with Mutants & Masterminds so rules material can be shared freely between the two games. The campaign’s pre-launch page is live now. To sign up and get notified when the Kickstarter launches, follow this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/greenroninpub/valiant-adventures-roleplaying-game


“We’re thrilled with the opportunity to team up with Green Ronin and bring our unique and exciting characters to life in the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game using their versatile Mutants & Masterminds RPG formatValiant fans are some of the most engaged around the world and to give them the chance to inhabit the Valiant Universe as never before is a wonderful opportunity” said Russ Brown, President of Consumer Products, Promotions and Ad Sales at Valiant Entertainment.”


The Kickstarter campaign focuses on three titles: the Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook, Gamemaster’s Kit, and the Worlds of Valiant sourcebook. More information and previews of the Valiant Adventures RPG will appear on greenronin.com, Kickstarter, and other sites before and during the campaign.


About Valiant Entertainment


Valiant Entertainment, a subsidiary of DMG Entertainment, founded by Dan Mintz, is a leading character-based entertainment company that owns and controls the third most extensive library of superheroes behind Marvel and DC. With more than 90 million issues sold and a library of over 2,000 characters, including X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Harbinger, Shadowman, Archer & Armstrong, and many more, Valiant is one of the most successful publishers in the history of the comic book medium. For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and ValiantEntertainment.com. For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com.



About Green Ronin Publishing


Green Ronin Publishing is a Seattle-based company dedicated to the art of great games. Since the year 2000, Green Ronin has been a force in tabletop roleplaying games, publishing such RPGs as Blue Rose, The Expanse, Dragon Age, and Mutants & Masterminds, and winning over 40 awards for excellence. Green Ronin has also worked as a design house for hobby giants Games Workshop and Wizards of the Coast on such titles as Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition and the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition supplements Out of the Abyss and the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. Green Ronin released the 2nd Edition of its popular Fantasy AGE RPG in 2023 and is gearing up for the 2024 release of the Cthulhu Awakens and Fifth Season RPGs. For press and media inquiries, contact us via email at press@greenronin.com. Green Ronin can be found on the web at www.greenronin.com.

About DMG Entertainment

DMG Entertainment is a global media and entertainment company based in Beverly Hills, CA. Founded by Dan Mintz, the company portfolio has grown to include diverse holdings across film, television, comic book publishing, gaming, and location-based entertainment. Operating as both a production and distribution entity, DMG Entertainment is best known for films such as Looper and Iron Man 3 and the #1 box-office release of Bloodshot feature starring Vin Diesel.

Valiant and all its associated characters and logos are registered trademarks of Valiant Entertainment LLC.


Green Ronin, Mutants & Masterminds, and their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing. All rights reserved.


Green Ronin to Release Valiant Adventures RPG

Valiant Adventures RPG coming from Green Ronin Publishing in 2024



Tabletop RPG Leader Signs Licensing Deal with Valiant Entertainment

April 24, 2023—SEATTLE, WA and NEW YORK, NY: Green Ronin Publishing announced today that it has signed a licensing agreement with DMG Entertainment and Valiant Entertainment and will be publishing the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game in 2024. The game is based on Green Ronin’s popular and award-winning Mutants & Masterminds RPG.

“We have designed RPG material that’s appeared in Valiant comics before, so making a full roleplaying game is the natural next step,” said Green Ronin President Chris Pramas. “We’re excited to bring the characters and settings of the Valiant Universe into the Mutants & Masterminds family.”

“We’re thrilled with the opportunity to team up with Green Ronin and bring our unique and exciting characters to life in the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game using their versatile Mutants & Masterminds RPG formatValiant fans are some of the most engaged fanbase around the world and to give them the chance to inhabit the Valiant Universe as never before is a wonderful opportunity” said Russ Brown, President of Consumer Products, Promotions and Ad Sales at Valiant Entertainment.

“This project kicks off with Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook and the Worlds of Valiant campaign setting,” said the game’s developer Alexander Thomas. “Our mission is to bring the pages of Valiant comics to life in a roleplaying game. The Mutants & Masterminds rules engine, renowned for its adaptability, ensures a game world infused with Valiant’s signature gritty realism. The adaptations we made to our M&M Quickstart Character Generator cover Valiant staples like Deadsiders, psiots, or nanite-infused heroes. The Worlds of Valiant campaign setting features game stats for over 80 heroes and villains, and iconic locations like Britannia, The Deadside, Earth, The Faraway, New Japan, Space, The Stalinverse, and The Unknown.”

Valiant Adventures is a stand-alone RPG so anyone can jump right in. It is also fully compatible with Mutants & Masterminds so rules material can be shared freely between the two games. More information and previews of the Valiant Adventures RPG will appear on https://greenronin.com/ in the coming months.

About Green Ronin Publishing

Green Ronin Publishing is a Seattle based company dedicated to the art of great games. Since the year 2000, Green Ronin has been a force in tabletop roleplaying games, publishing such RPGs as Blue Rose, The Expanse, Dragon Age, and Mutants & Masterminds, and winning over 40 awards for excellence. Green Ronin has also worked as a design house for hobby giants Games Workshop and Wizards of the Coast on such titles as Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition and the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition supplements Out of the Abyss and the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. Green Ronin is publishing three new RPGs in 2023: Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition, Cthulhu Awakens, and the Fifth Season RPG based on N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy. For press and media inquiries, please submit an email to letsplay@greenronin.com.

About DMG Entertainment

DMG Entertainment is a global media and entertainment company based in Beverly Hills, CA. Founded by Dan Mintz, the company portfolio has grown to include diverse holdings across film, television, comic book publishing, gaming, and location-based entertainment. Operating as both a production and distribution entity, DMG Entertainment is best known for films such as Looper and Iron Man 3 and the #1 box-office release of Bloodshot starring Vin Diesel.

About Valiant Entertainment

Valiant Entertainment, a subsidiary of DMG Entertainment, founded by Dan Mintz, is a leading character-based entertainment company that owns and controls the third most extensive library of superheroes behind Marvel and DC. With more than 90 million issues sold and a library of over 2,000 characters, including X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Harbinger, Shadowman, Archer & Armstrong, and many more, Valiant is one of the most successful publishers in the history of the comic book medium. For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and https://ValiantEntertainment.com/. For Valiant merchandise and more, visit https://ValiantStore.com/.

Green Ronin, Mutants & Masterminds, and their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing. All rights reserved.

Valiant and all its associated characters and logos are registered trademarks of Valiant Entertainment LLC.


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Hey folks, we’ll be talking about the Valiant Adventures RPG during today’s MuMaMo (Mutants & Masterminds Monday), so tune in live, 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern, on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and Facebook.