Tag Archive for: Mutants & Masterminds

Rogues Gallery: The Oblivion Knight (PDF)

The Oblivion Knight

The Oblivion Knight

The Oblivion Knight

The Oblivion Knight is a zealous acolyte of Mistress Oblivion, an aspect of Entropy that’s also venerated by Omega and the Annihilists. She plans to remake Earth-Prime into the new Terminus throneworld through mystic corruption and targeted violence, rather than wholesale destruction.
Rogues Gallery … villains galore! Each Rogues Gallery entry includes a complete super-villain profile and character sheet with Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition game information. It also includes the villain’s background and various adventure hooks to use the character in your own game. Each entry is illustrated and, as a bonus, includes the villain’s game information in Hero Lab format, so you can import it right into the character management software and use it in your game (or modify it as needed) right away. Where else can you get a super-villain for less than the price of a cup of coffee? It’s positively criminal!

Rogues Gallery: The Mesmerist (PDF)

The Mesmerist

The Mesmerist

The Mesmerist

Restless academic James Desmond spent a semester abroad, and stumbled across the long-discredited teachings of Franz Mesmer. Desmond experimented with Mesmer’s techniques, and found that in his hands, they were effective! Using his uncanny power of illusion, he reinvented himself as “The Mesmerist,” a showman capable of seemingly impossible feats and thrills, delivered with Vegas spectacle and glamour. Flush with fame and wealth, and quite capable of rewriting memories and supernaturally concealing his actions, the Mesmerist now steals what he cannot buy, leaving behind mysteries without any clues.
Rogues Gallery … villains galore! Each Rogues Gallery entry includes a complete super-villain profile and character sheet with Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition game information. It also includes the villain’s background and various adventure hooks to use the character in your own game. Each entry is illustrated and, as a bonus, includes the villain’s game information in Hero Lab format, so you can import it right into the character management software and use it in your game (or modify it as needed) right away. Where else can you get a super-villain for less than the price of a cup of coffee? It’s positively criminal!

Ronin Roundtable: M&M Style

grr5510e_mutantsandmastermindsthirdeditiondeluxeheroeshandbook_1_1024x1024Our recent yearly Green Ronin summit covers a lot of ground, including plans for all of the company’s current game-lines moving forward into the coming year. The remainder of 2016 and the start of 2017 are a bit of a turning point for Mutants & Masterminds, reflecting the maturity of the third edition line. In particular, by early to mid-2017, we’ll have covered the essential rules and game materials for M&M with the Hero’s Handbook, Power Profiles, Gadget Guides, and the Gamemaster’s Guide, the essential setting material for Earth-Prime with Emerald City, the Cosmic Handbook, the Atlas of Earth-Prime, and the new edition of Freedom City, plus plenty of foes in Threat Report, Rogues Gallery, and the Supernatural Handbook. Add to that a complete and compatible summary of the DC Universe in our four DC Adventures books, and that’s quite a collection!

So, we want to revisit how we present Mutants & Masterminds products in addition to what types of products we’re offering. There’s a lot of material out there for the game (and will be even more in the months to come) so the big question on our agenda is: How do we make M&M easier to use and friendlier to new readers going forward while retaining the great library of material we already have? A lot of the answer to that question is not just what products we do, but how we do them, the style and presentation of the game.

In particular, I’m looking at the stat blocks for M&M and finding ways they can be more user-friendly, informative, and attractive while still conveying everything you need to know about the character in game terms. This goes for our full-size and detailed stat blocks as well as our smaller formats, presented in-line with text. Everything is on the table here: the way things are arranged, the order in which traits are presented, use of color or icons, and so forth. The key limit is that it has to convey essentially the same information and remain compatible with our other third-edition material. Ideally, we also want the presentation to require only the Hero’s Handbook—while we could certainly save space by pulling powers and gadgets wholesale out of supplements, we don’t want you to have to have Power Profiles or Gadget Guides to understand and play the game!

You’ll likely be hearing more about this process as time goes on and ideas percolate but, for now, we’d also like to hear from you. Visit our forums and tell us ways in which M&M products can be more useful, user-friendly, and easy to reference during game-play in your own games, keeping in mind the guidelines that we’re sticking with the current edition and we want the new products we publish in the coming year to be compatible with what we’ve done thus far. You can also drop us an email at custserve@greenronin.com or send us a message via our Facebook page.

I’m looking forward to showing everyone all of the plans we’ve made for Mutants & Masterminds and to giving it the look and style that will last it for years more to come!

Rogues Gallery: Hocus & Pocus (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Hocus & Pocus (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Hocus & Pocus (PDF)

Ashley Rahner and Matthew Dickerson found themselves on hard times, and circumstances conspired to lead them to a life of crime. Thanks to their talents as stage magicians, illusionists, and liars, they are particularly well-suited to their new criminal careers.

Get Hocus & Pocus today, for just $1.95!

Rogues Gallery … villains galore! Each Rogues Gallery entry includes a complete super-villain profile and character sheet with Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition game information. It also includes the villain’s background and various adventure hooks to use the character in your own game. Each entry is illustrated and, as a bonus, includes the villain’s game information in Hero Lab format, so you can import it right into the character management software and use it in your game (or modify it as needed) right away. Where else can you get a super-villain for less than the price of a cup of coffee? It’s positively criminal!

Rogues Gallery: Shatter (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Shatter (PDF)

Rogues Gallery: Shatter (PDF)

Michael Schepkin gained fame and fortune as a glass artist, but grew tired of his aging human body. Merging old-world superstition and his own spark of creation, he forged himself a new body of glass and fire. His mind damaged and his identity and celebrity lost, Shatter uses his strange new powers to steal the form and fame of others.

Download Shatter today!

Rogues Gallery … villains galore! Each Rogues Gallery entry includes a complete super-villain profile and character sheet with Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition game information. It also includes the villain’s background and various adventure hooks to use the character in your own game. Each entry is illustrated and, as a bonus, includes the villain’s game information in Hero Lab format, so you can import it right into the character management software and use it in your game (or modify it as needed) right away. Where else can you get a super-villain for less than the price of a cup of coffee? It’s positively criminal!

Ronin Roundtable: Mutants & Masterminds Actual Play … With Bacon!

screen-shot-2016-09-12-at-12-26-44-pmSince the release of the new edition of Hero High for Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition, the stalwart gamers of the Bacon Battalion have been playing a teen-hero Mutants & Masterminds game set during the Second World War, under the guidance of Guy Sclanders, who runs the Great GM channel on YouTube.

The Actual Play Series is just getting started, with two episodes (and a couple of teaser videos) released thus far, so it’s easy to get caught up with the group’s adventures. If you enjoy watching online RPG game play in the style of Critical Role, Tabletop, and other shows, or you’ve always wondered how Mutants & Masterminds game play looks, check out the linked playlist above and, to the stalwarts of the 121st Division of the Bacon Battallion…keep em’ flyin’, heroes!

Two New PDFs: Rogues Gallery and Pathfinder Short Cut

We’ve got two new PDFs for sale today–one for Mutants & Masterminds and one for Pathfinder/Freeport!

The Sportsman and Princess Poison

The Sportsman and Princess Poison

Rogues Gallery: Sportsman & Princess Poison

The original Sportsman and Princess Poison were villains in the 1970s who saw their villainous careers ending in the ‘80s (before it became dangerous to be a villain) and settled in Emerald City to raise their children, the new Sportsman and Ms. Scorpion. But a parent’s work is never done and with their children now “on the scene,” they might have to put on their old supersuits again.


Witch Patrons of Freeport

Witch Patrons of Freeport

Short Cuts: Witch Patrons of Freeport

This 7-page PDF presents a new mysterious patrons to fuel witches in Freeport. Rather than vague concepts like strength or ancestry, these patrons are specific powers tied to Freeport’s campaing world, such as the King in Yellow and the elven hero of legend Thodomer Windgress, but appropriate for use in any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game-compatible campaign setting. In addition to defining the background of these patrons and the bonus spells they grant, this product talks about how other react to witches serving these patrons, and presents unique hexes available only to witches with specific patrons.

M&M Bundles of Holding!

M&M Bundles of Holding!

M&M Bundles of Holding!

We have not one but two Mutants & Masterminds Bundles of Holding on sale right now! The links below will take you to the core bundle and the Power Boost bundle, which includes many M&M supplements from the last couple of years.

Mutants & Masterminds 3E Bundle

M&M 3E Power Boost Bundle

Ronin Roundtable: GenCon GMing for Green Ronin

GR-Gameroom1If you are a publisher, you of course want people to have the opportunity to play your games at GenCon. You can run demos at your booth but the exhibit hall is no place for long form RPG adventures (it’s super loud and booth space is limited). Those are better handled as scheduled events. Finding good and reliable game masters for your RPGs can be challenging though. In past years we’ve had mixed success with our GenCon events. What I really wanted was a dedicated area filled with Green Ronin games. To get that, you have to have a certain number of events. Coordinating that is a job in itself.

Enter Donna Prior, Green Ronin’s events manager. I told her what I wanted and wow, did she deliver. We had over 90 scheduled events this year and GenCon gave us a dedicated room for them on the second floor of the convention center. Going into that room and seeing tables full of gamers playing Fantasy AGE, Dragon Age, Mutants & Masterminds, and A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying was amazing. Read more

Ronin Round Table: Unexpected Heroes

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to run a few games at GenCon. Since I have a novel, Sacred Band, releasing soon, I decided to create a Mutants & Masterminds scenario where the players played the characters who star in that novel. Gimmicky and self-serving, yes, but since creating my protagonists in the Mutants & Masterminds rules set was part of the character design I did as part of writing the novel, it seemed only fitting.

Now, part of my setting postulates occasional natural disaster-level phenomena referred to as “Echo Events.” These are always different, but almost always disastrous in some way. They are also where one of the three kinds of supers in my setting get their powers (these folks are called “Echoes,” for obvious reasons).

The scenario for the convention—titled “Sacred Band: The Indy Event”—has some of the heroes attending a certain gaming convention in the middle of an Indianapolis summer when one of these Echo Events hits. Crazy, unexpected phenomena arise: large metal structures being “floating” skyward, certain people find themselves the center of hive minds of dedicated drone-like followers, animals in the zoo nearby become super-strong and savage, and bodies of water all across the area begin to inexplicably rise. Read more