A Grave Adventure Indeed


Fantasy AGE Dungeon: Menace of the Grave Warrens

Available Now!

While the new edition of Fantasy AGE has some great initial adventure support with “Set Sail for Breakwater Bay!” in the core rulebook, “The Breakwater Curse” in the Game Master’s Toolkit, and “Terror of the Ghost Ship” in the Fantasy AGE Quickstart, with more on the way, it doesn’t have a lot of “dungeon” style adventures as yet, something we look to remedy with the release of “Menace of the Grave Warrens”!

The adventure takes the heroes into an old goblin grave warren that has been invaded by a malevolent force, offering plenty of delving and navigating through dark tunnels and spaces. It is intended for 5th level characters, slightly higher-level than our starter adventures, for groups who have been playing Fantasy AGE for a while now or prefer to start at a higher level. It can follow up for groups who have played through the initial available adventures, especially if you choose to set it on Kassa, the island where Breakwater Bay is found.

The Kassa Warren

The goblin warren described in the adventure is quite self-contained: The whole adventure takes place within it, so you can place it pretty much anywhere you’d like in your setting. All that’s really required is a settlement nearby. The adventure assumes it’s a mostly-goblin settlement, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Perhaps the goblin warren is old and the settlement is new, built after the goblins who once lived in the area were gone, for example.

If placing “Menace of the Grave Warren” on Kassa Isle in the Stranger Shores setting, the warren could be near Tall Pines or Weston on the western side of the island, particularly if you decide there’s a substantial goblin community there. It could also be near the abandoned settlement of Sundown, perhaps connected in some fashion with why Sundown became abandoned. You can even set the warren not far from Breakwater itself, either in the North Woods or southwards towards Mount Kassa. It may be a venerated burial site for the goblin community of the town, now threatened. This lets you tie-in goblin NPCs from the setting like Thistle and Gont (from “The Breakwater Curse”) if you want.

You can also add a small goblin settlement on Kassa to be near the grave warren. There’s plenty of room along the Western Hills as well as Nordmarsh, the North Woods, or along Long Lake. Adventurers might be traveling through the area on some other business when news about the trouble in the warren reaches them, or they might go there specifically to investigate, especially if they’ve made a name for themselves on Kassa for dealing with supernatural trouble.

Wherever you choose to place the “Menace of the Grave Warrens” we hope it will be an opportunity for your Fantasy AGE heroes to delve deep into an ol’ fashioned dungeon adventure!

Menace of the Grave Warrens is available now in the Green Ronin Online Store, and on DriveThruRPG!