Now Available: Condition Cards for Fantasy AGE and Cthulhu Awakens


Fantasy AGE Condition Cards


Cthulhu Awakens Condition Cards

We added condition rules to Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition and Cthulhu Awakens to simplify the various strange and alarming things that can happen to Player Characters, their friends, and their enemies. Slowed by magic? Confused by a psychic attack? Frightened by gore—or cosmic horror? These now have set rules to drop on the affected character. Now we have an even easier way to keep track of conditions: Condition Cards!

Since complicated encounters can impose conditions and distract players, the cards serve as a quick visual aid for keeping track of them. Each card provides the name and game mechanics of its corresponding condition.

We’re releasing separate sets of Condition Card Decks for Cthulhu Awakens and Fantasy AGE, each in two formats: print on demand through DrivethruRPG, and as digital assets for Roll20.

The Fantasy AGE Condition Deck contains 84 poker-sized cards: 4 of each condition from the Fantasy AGE RPG, and 4 blank cards you can customize for your own.

The Cthulhu Awakens Condition Deck contains 64 poker-sized cards: 4 of each condition from the Cthulhu Awakens RPG, and 4 blank cards you can customize for your own.