Sol System Preorders and The Transport Union Backerkit Campaign!

As the pressure rises and the exodus through the ring gates continues, opportunities abound for shrewd crews willing to take risks on Earth, Mars, and in The Belt. The changes brought about by the discovery of the protomolecule continue to disrupt the status quo, and tensions between the factions are white hot. Sol System provides […]

Tanks for the Feedback!

The Atomic Think Tank, the new Green Ronin Publishing community on Mighty Networks, is off to a running start! Named for the old Green Ronin web forums, the new Think Tank has different sections for each of our game lines, including Mutants & Masterminds, Valiant Adventures, The Expanse, Fantasy AGE, Cthulhu Awakens, Modern AGE, and […]

Taking Advantage

  Advantages are traits in the Mutants & Masterminds system that fall in-between Skills and Powers, particular edges or resources characters have, often letting them bend the rules in specific ways under particular circumstances. Valiant Adventures includes many familiar Advantages from the M&M core rules, along with some that have been updated in various ways, […]

Valiant Views: X-O Manowar

While the Valiant Adventures Quickstart gives you a feel for what it is like to play a tabletop RPG set in the Valiant Universe, due to space limits it doesn’t provide character creation info or a deeper look at some of the signature Valiant characters. In this preview, we look at Valiant’s armored powerhouse, X-O […]

Valiant Views: Shadowman

Valiant Views: Shadowman

While the Valiant Adventures Quickstart gives you a feel for what it is like to play a tabletop RPG set in the Valiant Universe, due to space limits it doesn’t provide character creation info or a deeper look at some of the signature Valiant characters. In this preview, we look at Valiant’s mystical defender of […]

Valiant Views: Ninjak

While the Valiant Adventures Quickstart gives you a feel for what it is like to play a tabletop RPG set in the Valiant Universe, due to space limits it doesn’t provide character creation info or a deeper look at some of the signature Valiant characters. In this preview, we look at Valiant’s ultimate secret agent […]

While the Valiant Adventures Quickstart gives you a feel for what it is like to play a tabletop RPG set in the Valiant Universe, due to space limits it doesn’t provide character creation info or a deeper look at some of the signature Valiant characters. For some additional previews, we’re looking to do just that. […]

Do you Want the Power in Fantasy AGE? Well, Have It!

It’s no secret that lots of gamers are, like me, remnants of the Generation cohort who got into it during the 80s roleplaying game trend. Ah, the 80s, an era of many bad things, a few good things, and admittedly morally ambiguous things—like Saturday morning cartoons. And toy-based cartoons. These vehicles to sell toys and […]

Valiant Views: Doctor Mirage

While the Valiant Adventures Quickstart gives you a feel for what it is like to play a tabletop RPG set in the Valiant Universe, due to space limits it doesn’t provide character creation info or a deeper look at some of the signature Valiant characters. For some additional previews, we’re looking to do just that. […]

Valiant Views: Bloodshot

  While the Valiant Adventures Quickstart gives you a feel for what it is like to play a tabletop RPG set in the Valiant Universe, due to space limits it doesn’t provide character creation info or a deeper look at some of the signature Valiant characters. For some additional previews, we’re looking to do just […]

Valiant Worlds for Mutants & Masterminds

  When the DC Adventures RPG premiered with what would be the Third Edition of the Mutants & Masterminds game system, it was the only version of that edition available. The stand-alone Third Edition Hero’s Handbook wouldn’t come along until the following year. But with the Valiant Adventures RPG, using a modified version of the […]

Valiant Adventures RPG: Playmat Breakdown

Hello heroes! Of the new products coming for the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game, I am most excited for the playmat! I conceived of this neoprene mat almost as a player-facing Gamemaster’s screen. I wanted a central location for players to find all of the reference material they needed at a glance. Things like what Hero […]

Condition Cards Breakdown!

Hello Heroes! Now that we’re fully into the Kickstarter I wanted to write up some updates about all of the fun add-ons we’re including in this campaign. Mutants & Masterminds is a game that has a lot of moving parts and one of the things I really wanted to add to the game for Valiant […]

Green Ronin Releases the free Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart Ahead of January 23rd Kickstarter Kick-Off!

Are you ready to embark on an epic super-powered adventure in the Valiant Comics universe? Green Ronin has just released the Valiant Adventures RPG Quickstart (PDF), a gateway to the action-packed world powered by the Mutants & Masterminds game system! Designed by Alexander Thomas and Steve Kenson, this 39-page, full-color PDF provides everything you and […]

Uncover the Secrets of the Galaxy with Trades of the Expanse: Journalist

<transmission from Green Ronin Publishing incoming.> <time delay 35 minutes.> Today I’m here to tell you about the latest for The Expanse RPG—Trades of the Expanse: Journalist. The 1300 worlds are filled with stories, and it’s the journalist’s job to seek them out, uncover the truth, and share them with the galaxy. This exciting supplement […]

Whatever Happened to the Next-Gen?

Hello heroes! I’m so excited to unveil our first Mutants & Masterminds release of 2024, an Astonishing Adventure titled Whatever Happened to the Next-Gen. We wanted to start off the new year with something that speaks to Earth-Prime’s extensive history and to finally answer a couple of questions about what the 2e Next-Gen have been […]

Ouch that Hurts!

Hello heroes! It was an incredibly eventful back half of 2023. I went to U-Con in mid-November where I ran six M&M events, Galaxy Con in December where I ran two M&M events, and I ran a special event at Around the Table in Lynnwood, Washington over the last few weeks. As I said, these […]

Valiant Adventures RPG Kickstarter Launching January 16th!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   VALIANT ADVENTURES RPG KICKSTARTER LAUNCHES JANUARY 16   Mutants & Masterminds Powers New Roleplaying Game Set in the Valiant Universe   December 19, 2023—SEATTLE, WA and NEW YORK, NY: Green Ronin Publishing announced today that the Kickstarter for the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game will launch on January 16. The tabletop RPG […]

Introducing the Game Master’s Toolkit for Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition

It feels like Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition just came out, but here I am to tell you about a new Fantasy AGE release—the Fantasy AGE Game Master’s Toolkit. So, what does the Game Master’s Toolkit have to offer? Let me tell you—it’s packed with tons of stuff to make life easier for GMs and lots […]

Cthulhu Awakens Now! Well, in Preorder and PDF Form, That Is!

After a successful Kickstarter campaign, careful design and art direction—and errata, where necessary—Cthulhu Awakens is available to general audiences for preorder and in PDF! Furthermore, if you preorder the print release, you can add the PDF for just another $5. Cthulhu Awakens brings cosmic horror and the Cthulhu Mythos to Green Ronin’s AGE System. This complete […]

Travel the Stars—Trades of the Expanse: Scout

Explore the galaxy! Chart new systems! Study new stellar phenomena! See what no human has ever seen! Sign up today and join this new branch of Pope Enterprises family – The Pope Scouting Service!   Just a little over a month ago, I brought you the news that the new edition of Trades of the […]

Exploring the Expanse—Trades of the Expanse: Planetary Surveyor

I know I’ve been talking about it for a long time, but it’s finally here—Trades of the Expanse: Planetary Surveyor! The perfect companion for Beyond the Ring, this book offers an in-depth look into the dangerous trade of planetary exploration. Not only will you find details about the nuts and bolts of planetary exploration but […]

Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook

Out Now: Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition!

I am delighted to announce that Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition is here, there, and everywhere! It’s in game stores this week and we will, of course, have it at our Gen Con booth in August. The print edition of Fantasy AGE 2E is, of course, available through our online store, and you can get the […]

Storm Warning: A New Modern AGE Missions Adventure!

In a small, seaside town, a cult lurks in the shadows and prepares to fulfill the dark prophecies it’s harbored for years. Now, the time is finally right to bring their patron into the world, using an incoming natural disaster as both cover and a source of fell energy. Heroes must work against the clock […]

Playing With Stunts

Stunts are one of the pillars of the Adventure Game Engine, the system we use in Fantasy AGE, Modern AGE, Blue Rose, The Expanse, and the upcoming Cthulhu Awakens and Fifth Season roleplaying games, all descended from design work on the grandfather of them all, Dragon Age. Heading into the new edition of Fantasy AGE […]

We’ve Been Secretly Making a Game

That’s right, we have. Well, kind of. We mentioned it briefly in 2019, at Gen Con, but the reference was so short and sparse that it didn’t spread. This was a blessing in disguise because of course the very next year COVID-19 spread across the world, forcing us to change our plans. We changed them […]

Check Out Our Pride Merch Catalog!

We’ve added a whole bunch of new items to our Merch store in celebration of Pride this month! But don’t worry, they’ll still be available afterward. And even better, a portion of every sale from the Ronin Pride Collection goes to supporting the National Center for Transgender Equality. To learn more about this organization, and […]

Modern AGE, Post-Pandemic

One of the challenges of the pandemic was a “logjam” of content we couldn’t publish yet for a number of reasons. Printers were unavailable. Shipping was awful (and hasn’t improved as much as anyone would like, honestly—remember, we don’t set those prices!) and people got sick. Bad times, and we’re still emerging from them. One […]

A Gathering of the AGEs: Consolidated Rules in Fantasy AGE 2e

Hey folks, Malcolm here. I’m not the developer of the new edition of Fantasy AGE but I am one of the developers of the core rulebook. While I can’t give you a first-person perspective on the whole game, I can tell you a bit about the parts I helped work on. So, I thought I’d […]

Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook

Fantasy AGE 2nd Editon—Set Sail for Adventure!

With the core book behind us, one would think I might be taking a moment to relax. We’ve got the book out, right? No need to rush ahead. Nothing could be further from the truth! I’m already neck deep in the first few supplements, with lots more to come! So what can you expect to […]

Green Ronin to Release Valiant Adventures RPG

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GREEN RONIN TO RELEASE VALIANT ADVENTURES RPG Tabletop RPG Leader Signs Licensing Deal with Valiant Entertainment April 24, 2023—SEATTLE, WA and NEW YORK, NY: Green Ronin Publishing announced today that it has signed a licensing agreement with DMG Entertainment and Valiant Entertainment and will be publishing the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game […]

Image: Into The Motherlands logo and headshots of Tanya DePass and B. Dave Walters of CypherCo, LLC

Green Ronin to Publish Into The Mother Lands Roleplaying Game

Green Ronin to Publish Into the Mother Lands Roleplaying Game, the Afrofuturist streaming show turned Kickstarter success story.

Mutants & Masterminds Reprints!

Hello heroes! I just wanted to pop by and let you all know that it is an exciting day for Mutants & Masterminds. Our new reprints of the Deluxe Hero’s Handbook, Gadget Guides, and Power Profiles are off to the printer and these amazing resources will be physically available soon. I’m personally excited because I’ll […]

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Preview: Stunts!

Stunts are a hallmark of the Adventure Game Engine, and something we looked at very carefully for Fantasy AGE’s new edition—one that’s available for preorder (with discount PDF option) and in PDF now, by the way! Look at the PDF and you’ll be able to see all the details for yourself, but this article will […]

Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Core Rulebook – Available to pre-order now!

We are excited to announce that the day has come at last! The Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Core Rulebook pre-order is live! You can get a copy of the PDF immediately with your pre-order by selecting the $5 add-on when you add the print book to your cart. And if the costs for shipping are […]

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Preview: Magic

Fantasy AGE’s magic system is getting a bit of a polish for the new edition. The fundamental rules are the same, but there are more spells and options for spellcasting characters. This preview is going to be a bit more straightforward, as we’ve made various adjustments across other AGE books, and took those efforts and […]

Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Preview: The Latest in AGE-ology

This time around we’ll talk about some of the rules that are new to the 2nd edition of Fantasy AGE. As some of you may know, we’ve devised new rules across multiple Adventure Game Engine lines, including Modern AGE, Blue Rose, Cthulhu Awakens, and The Expanse. Many of these rules could be ported to Fantasy […]

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Combat Preview: Let’s You and Them Fight

What’s combat like in the new edition of Fantasy AGE? First of all, if you’ve played Fantasy AGE before, or any other AGE game, the basic procedure is the same: Roll initiative and round by round, take a major and minor action, or two minor actions. You attack using an ability + focus associated with […]

Fifth Season Preview: When Are We?

Readers already familiar with the Broken Earth trilogy may wonder: When during the context of the novels is the Fifth Season RPG set? As readers already know, the Broken Earth novels tell an in-depth story of their main characters and their story has significant effects on the world and its future. Therefore, the decision was […]

Fifth Season Preview: Game Play

Game play in the Fifth Season RPG proceeds on two distinct scales. The story of the comm unfolds in seasons, each of which is a “turn” of part of the year, and features an event, a check of the comm’s prosperity, and an opportunity for the comm to work together on an activity to achieve […]

An Interview with N.K. Jemisin

We wanted something special for the last three days of the crowdfunder and here it is: an interview with N.K. Jemisin herself! Q: Roleplaying games and speculative fiction are close cousins. What did you find most intriguing about bringing The Stillness to tabletop RPGs? Do you have any experience with RPGs yourself? I played a […]

Fifth Season Preview: Character Creation

Once a Fifth Season game group has created their comm (detailed in Fifth Season Preview: Comm Creation) they can get down to creating individual characters. Those familiar with Adventure Game Engine character creation know it often involves choosing a character Background, a Class or Profession, Talents or Specializations, and a Drive or Goals. The Fifth […]

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Preview: Advancements – and Damage!

Fantasy AGE’s new edition does its best to strike a balance between keeping the game familiar—so familiar that many elements from the old edition work with little to no adjustments—and making improvements in all areas. One of those improvements was giving characters more ways to distinguish themselves from each other right from the beginning of […]

Fifth Season Preview: Comm Creation

While the freely available Fifth Season Quick-start provides a substantial “test-drive” of the Fifth Season RPG (now crowd-funding on Backerkit) the Quick-start necessarily leaves out some things in the interests of space and getting folks up-and-playing the game as quickly as possible. For those interested in the Fifth Season RPG, we’re going to take a […]

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Preview: Staying Classy

Last time around we chatted about ancestries in the new edition of Fantasy AGE, which is just going through final production tweaking ahead of its PDF and print preorder release—soon! This time, let’s talk about classes Four Classes? We took a long time to get the new edition of Fantasy AGE together, and people wondered […]

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Preview: Ancestries

Fantasy AGE’s new edition is coming soon—and we’ve been remiss when it comes to telling you about it! If you didn’t get involved in playtesting, you may not be aware of some of the revisions in store. One of those is revised and expanded ancestries. Let’s talk about it. Ancestries? In the last edition of […]

The Fifth Season RPG on Backerkit is Live!

Join us for a special livestream with the developers and designers of The Fifth Season RPG!   The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game, now crowdfunding on Backerkit, is designed for you to play out adventures and stories set in the world described in the Broken Earth trilogy of novels by N.K. Jemisin—a world where constant and unstable […]

Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook

Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Coming in February

If you are looking for a new fantasy roleplaying game, your timing couldn’t be better because the Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook is almost here! It will be available as a PDF and go up for print pre-order next month. With our Pre-Order Plus Program, you can add the PDF for only $5 more when you […]

The AGE System is a Map

Nothing quite starts off a new year like a cryptic blog post title, so here we go! Seriously though, I’d like to chat about how I feel about what the Adventure Game Engine is as it now powers a wider array of games than ever: Fantasy AGE, Modern AGE, Blue Rose, The Expanse, Cthulhu Awakens, […]

Fifth Season Crowdfunding on Backerkit

We’ve got some exciting news today! The crowdfunder for The Fifth Season RPG, based on N.K. Jemisin’s award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy, launches on January 24. Click here to visit the landing page on Crowdfunding by BackerKit, where you can sign up to be notified when the game goes live. You will also get a direct […]

Click for Initiative! Roll20 updates

Hey folks, Jonesy here with some exciting Roll20 updates! We are happy to announce there is now an official Fantasy AGE character sheet on Roll20. A few weeks back we did a soft rollout of the sheet to get some initial user feedback. Since then, we have addressed any critical issues, as well as some […]

The 3rd Era Mega – Bundle

I started Green Ronin in 2000, so almost 23 years ago now. Our first release was Ork! The Roleplaying Game, a beer and pretzels RPG I designed with Todd Miller (now in its 2nd edition). A month later we debuted our second release at GenCon, an adventure I wrote called Death in Freeport. This was […]

Terror From The Skies!

It’s anything but smooth sailing when a powerful storm strands an Atlantean diplomat on the surface world. With negotiations breaking down and a missing princess, it’s up to our heroes to find the source of this mysterious maelstrom and stop the Terror From the Skies! This is a Freedom City-based adventure for a team of […]

Mutants & Masterminds Reprint Extravaganza

Interview with author Aaron Rosenberg

Earlier this week we shared the interview with Richard Lee Byers who wrote part one of the Arcane Secrets Duology, and now we’re back with Aaron Rosenberg, author of part two, Lost and Never Found! Tell us a bit about yourself and your work prior to this novel. Hm, okay, the short version, then. Born […]

Mutants & Masterminds Reprint Extravaganza

Interview with author Richard Lee Byers

As you may already know, our current Kickstarter campaign for the Mutants & Masterminds Reprint Extravaganza, also features two brand-new novels set in the world of Earth-Prime. Recently we had a chance to catch up with Richard Lee Byers, author of the first book in the Arcane Secrets Duology, The Doom That Came To San […]

Mutants & Masterminds Reprint Extravaganza

Mutants & Masterminds Reprint Extravaganza!

The Mutants & Masterminds Reprint Extravaganza is now funding on Kickstarter! You can help us get long-demanded M&M 3E books back in print and pick up two brand new Earth-Prime novels while you’re at it! Mutants & Masterminds fans, it’s time to get many of our Third Edition titles back in print and to do […]

Mutants & Masterminds Gadget Guides

Gadget Guides: The Right Tool for the Job

You can tell that Power Profiles was written and produced serially, because we included “Armor Powers” pretty early on: powered armor is a common type of super-power in the comics, and it starts with “A” so it was right up-front on the list of power themes. However, it quickly became apparent that if we were […]

Mutants & Masterminds Power Profiles

Power Profiles: Giving You the Power

Used copies of Power Profiles have been selling for hundreds of dollars on auction sites. On the one hand, that’s flattering; it’s nice to have a book you wrote be in that kind of demand. On the other hand, it’s frustrating, because Power Profiles was meant to be the kind of useful resource every Mutants […]

Cthulhu Awakens: On Kickstarter Now

The Cthulhu Awakens BackerKit…Awakens. Metaphorically.

Cthulhu awakens literally, of course. In what seems like years ago due to pandemic and post-pandemic time dilation effects, but was actually through this past March, we ran our Kickstarter for Cthulhu Awakens, an AGE system game covering Cthulhu Mythos horror from the early years of the last century to the present: a period we […]

Patreon TTRPG Halloween Collaboration “All Treats, No Tricks” – Free TTRPG Downloads!

Hello fiends! It’s only the 11th day of Halloween, and we’ve really amplified the creepy for you! As many of you know, we are coordinating two Patreons, the Twilight Accord and Mutants & Masterminds!  This spooky collaboration comes as a result of my role as a Captain of the Patreon TTRPG Creators A. Club (The […]

A Few Words on Languages

Tabletop roleplaying games can give us some funny ideas about languages and linguistics. At least, I know they did for me in some regards. Starting with a certain Popular Fantasy Roleplaying Game comes the notion that player characters are all multi-lingual, speaking three, four—as many as seven or eight languages fluently! This is often compounded […]

The Guide to Starhaven for Mutants & Masterminds

Bite-Sized Siege of Starhaven

Editor’s Note: This Ronin Roundtable is intended as advice for GM’s of Mutants & Masterminds, and it contains a few spoilers for would-be heroes in the Siege of Starhaven adventure.   Hello heroes! It’s great to be chatting with you all again after the spectacular extravaganza that was Gen Con. It was my first time […]

The M&M PDF Mega-Bundle

Where do I begin to tell you about how awesome the new M&M PDF Mega-Bundle offer from Green Ronin is…? Ah, yes—at the beginning! That’s certainly fitting, since the Mega-Bundle goes all the way back to the beginning of Mutants & Masterminds: with its first edition in 2002. (Have we mentioned this is the 20th […]

Last Chance Warehouse Sale

  After 22 years in business, the Green Ronin warehouse is looking a little crowded. With reprints and new products incoming, it’s time to make more space! These deals are for print products only. With limited stock and priced to clear some pallets, this is a screaming deal (75% off!) you don’t want to miss. […]

Wanted: Bounty Hunters – The Expanse RPG

Coming soon to the Green Ronin Online Store and DrivethruRPG, Bounty Hunters kicks off the new Trades of the Expanse PDF series of short, well, expansions for The Expanse RPG, looking at different trades and professions in the setting: how to create characters practicing that trade, game systems for handling their jobs, and adventure hooks […]

Visit Green Ronin at Booth 101, Gen Con Indy 2022

Gen Con Indy 2022

The Green Ronin Convention Crew reports from Indianapolis that Gen Con is going well! Alex and Jonesy are running sold-out games, and some products are already sold out as well. Here is a view, care of Disembodied Troy, of what’s for sale at Booth 101. Here’s a view from inside the dealer hall at Gen […]

The Guide to Starhaven for Mutants & Masterminds

A Haven in the Stars

It’s all Alex Thomas’s fault. We said so on Mutants & Masterminds Monday. Alex wanted to run a streaming game for Team M&M and asked “so what else do we know about this Starhaven place mentioned in The Cosmic Handbook?” To which Crystal Fraiser and I said, “Nothing.” The paragraph or so of info about […]

Gen Con ®

Gen Con Events!

Hello heroes! We are running some events at Gen Con this year! We are so excited for the chance to play with all of you. To help you find us, I have compiled this rough schedule of our events so you can come play with us at the con. I know our events are sold […]

Modern AGE, Four Years On: Modern Adventures

In my last two articles I talked about where the Modern AGE line currently stands with its core, setting-agnostic books, used to customize the game as you please, and its published settings, from sketches to two full-blown game settings: The World of Lazarus and Threefold. However, I ran long on the second article and didn’t […]

Modern AGE, Four Years On: Our Modern Worlds

In my last article, I talked about the state of the Modern AGE line as we move into its fifth year. I started out by dividing the line into two loose categories and exploring the first, of “core” book releases. While Modern AGE is completely playable with the Modern AGE Basic Rulebook, the other releases […]

Modern AGE, Four Years On: The Creative Core

Modern AGE is four years old! It was released back in June 2018, ahead of its formal debut at Gencon of that year. Building on the ideas of Fantasy AGE, Modern AGE was designed to work within the 200+ year span of the “modern era,” up to the near future. This was a bigger challenge […]

Six of Cups for Blue Rose AGE: The Storm of the Century and Other Stories

Six of Cups is Blue Rose’s second anthology of adventures (the first was, of course, Six of Swords). Of course, at center, this book is about providing a set of interesting, self-contained adventures for Blue Rose campaigns. Perhaps your group will play Sovereign’s Finest, traveling the lands, playing through all of these. Or, one or […]

Location, Location, Location

Add at least two dozen “locations” to that and you start to get the concept and usefulness of Danger Zones for the Mutants & Masterminds Superhero RPG. The sourcebook, a compilation and expansion of our long-running series of PDF products, takes a look at an oft-neglected element of superhero adventure creation. You guessed it: location. […]

The Twilight Accord Patreon: Paying It Forward for Pride

In May, Green Ronin Publishing launched its Patreon for Twilight Accord: The Fallen City, a 5e fantasy setting and campaign that centers the experiences of LGBTQ+ heroes and community in that setting. A collaboration between tabletop industry veterans Steve Kenson and Joseph D Carriker Jr., the Patreon is intended to build a collaborative community of […]

Straight Talk About Twilight Accord

So, you may have heard or read about the new Twilight Accord Patreon launched last month to develop a queer-focused 5e fantasy setting and campaign. Given that the majority of the tabletop RPG audience is likely straight (although I’d like to see some proper demographic research, myself) I figured it was a good idea to […]

Visit Green Roinin at Origins Game Fair 2022, booth 316!

Play M&M with One of the Developers at Origins!

Hello heroes! Origins event registration is currently open and I am deep in final preparation for my events at the con. I wanted to share my schedule here in case any members of our Green Ronin community wanted to share a table with me in June. I’m running a ton of M&M events spanning Earth-Prime, […]

Building Better Benefits

Hello heroes! I hope you’re having a great day out there in gamer land. Today I want to talk about one of my favorite advantages in Mutants & Masterminds. It’s an advantage that doesn’t immediately pop off the page during character creation, but it is perhaps the most flexible advantage. One that I find offers […]

The Twilight Accord

The guards shifted nervously, coughing a bit, breath fogging in the chill night air. They were all a bit uneasy, and with good reason. One glanced again at the wood piled and arranged in the courtyard, and thought about the hours until dawn. “Some of them are little more than children,” he announced aloud to […]

Secrets of Lemuria

<incoming transmission>   <handshake accepted… decryption protocol required>   <decryption completed>   “It’s been a long journey to the Ring gate and your final destination: Medina Station. Some weeks ago, you were all hired by an independent journalist, Sangra Velazquez, to escort him to a meeting on Medina with explorer/scientist Dr. Carly Toor. Sangra has […]

Neon Shadows

TL;DR – So can I use Cyberpunk Slice with Modern AGE to (ahem) run an urban fantasy cyberpunk game? YES! Grab both books (and maybe Modern AGE Companion while you’re at it) and you’ll rock it! With the release of Cyberpunk Slice for Modern AGE, AGE System players have a new resource for creating campaigns […]

A Slice of Cyberpunk Temptation, Coming for Modern AGE

Cyberpunk is one of the most popular genres in roleplaying games. Sitting as it does between the modern era and classic spaceships and aliens SF (though some cyberpunk, such as Schismatrix and Altered Carbon, incorporate those elements too), it’s a natural fit for Modern AGE. I was hesitant to add cyberpunk to Modern AGE because […]

Back Into The Expanse: Worlds and Systems

Some of you may have seen the recent actual play of Cthulhu Awakens that I ran in conjunction with the Kickstarter. I really enjoyed running the game, but after that brief foray into the realms of eldritch horror, I’m excited to say that it’s time for me to get back to The Expanse! During my […]

Beyond the Ring: Available Now

The ring gates have opened up opportunities on 1300 worlds for scientists, adventurers, explorers, and colonists. Royal Charter Energy is seeking brave and bold individuals of many diverse backgrounds for colony and mining operations beyond the rings. Be the first to set foot on a new world. Make new discoveries. Explore. RCE is currently hiring […]

Eldritch Texts in Cthulhu Awakens

  As we noted in our update about powers and eldritch workings, anyone can “cast a spell” in Cthulhu Awakens as long as they have a text to work from that contains the proper instructions rendered in a language they can understand. This of course leads us to the question of what these references are, […]

Eldritch Workings and the Powers of Cthulhu Awakens

  Cthulhu Awakens provides three options for characters seeking extraordinary powers. First, the Inhuman Legacy talent represents individuals who discover they’ve inherited certain strange characteristics. They might be related to ghouls, Deep Ones, or some other weird lineage. Second, some humans and other entities possess psychic disciplines, giving them the ability to alter other minds […]

Secret History in Cthulhu Awakens

In expanding the source material to cover the Weird Century, Cthulhu Awakens presents a world with a secret history, where the Mythos is never acknowledged in public life, but still represents a pervasive, dangerous influence. This kind of thing isn’t at all unusual for horror and urban fantasy—it’s hard to keep the world recognizable and […]

The Weird Century

The key setting concept of Cthulhu Awakens is the Weird Century, a rough period from the 1920s to the present characterized by rising Mythos activity. Isolated cults such as the Esoteric Order of Dagon become worldwide movements powered by advances in technology and global integration. Conspiracies attain greater sophistication and infiltrate governments, and governments themselves […]

Bonds: An AGE Mechanic Evolved

If you’re familiar with Blue Rose or Modern AGE, you’ve come across Relationships: a system that provides mechanical benefits based on your character’s powerful feelings for another person, whether it’s love, friendship, professional admiration—or deadly enmity. Relationships form the seeds of Bonds, a generalized mechanic used in Cthulhu Awakens that among other things, is used […]

Alienation: A Mind Adapted to the Unknown

Contrary to popular belief, encountering Mythos entities, reading texts that convincingly upend the supposed laws of reality, confronting the dark miracles of sorcery, or witnessing the dark miracles of alien gods do not drive you mad—at least, not in the conventional sense. “Madness” is used as a casual term for mental illness, a phenomenon that […]

Cthulhu Awakens Game Master’s Kit!

This morning we are pleased to announce that we will be making a Game Master’s Kit for Cthulhu Awakens! The Cthulhu Awakens Game Master’s Kit is a collection of resources that help you smoothly deliver terror and adventure to your players. It provides a sturdy Game Master’s screen that displays stunts and other essential Cthulhu Awakens information at a glance–and it keeps […]

The Cthulhu Awakens Menagerie

Cthulhu Awakens is a game of fear and weirdness, and that includes the people you meet, from mortal conspirators to otherworldly monsters. I thought folks might like to see all the listings with full game statistics provided in Chapter 9 of the book. Mundane Creatures: Entries that might exist even in a world without the […]

Cthulhu Awakens With Modern AGE

As part of the AGE System family of games, Cthulhu Awakens is substantially compatible with Modern AGE, our multi-genre modern era RPG. In fact, Cthulhu Awakens was originally designed as a Modern AGE supplement, but eventually merited being broken out into a dedicated game. Nevertheless, the two games are similar enough that we’ve offered Modern AGE books as part of the campaign, because it’s […]

The Expanse Meets Cthulhu Awakens!

The Kickstarter for Cthulhu Awakens, which brings cosmic horror from the unimaginable past, through the 1920s, and into the 21st Century, is now live! Both The Expanse RPG and Cthulhu Awakens are powered by AGE: the Adventure Game Engine, which opens new realms of possibility for both universes. The stars have truly aligned…. Part of the appeal of The Expanse are the elements of horror carefully […]

Weirdness Overflowing: Cults of the Mythos

  As mentioned in our last update on the subject, Weirdness Overflowing is a PDF supplement that grows with the campaign, adding new chapters as we go. The first chapter, which qualified backers will be receiving, since we have unlocked the first Weirdness Overflowing stretch goal, is Cults of the Mythos. This is exactly the kind of thing suited for an […]

The Gregarian – Cthulhu Awakens Entity Preview

When insects and worms feast on the remains of certain psychics, sorcerers, and certain strong-willed individuals, they sometimes copy the residue of that individual’s personality, and a Gregarian is born. These flesh-eaters develop a collective will, and even acquire some of the deceased’s knowledge. Here are the Cthulhu Awakens statistics for these entities. Gregarian Abilities […]

Blue Rose Meets Cthulhu Awakens!

What does Cthulhu Awakens have to offer players and Narrators of Blue Rose? A great deal, as it turns out, even if you don’t want Outer Gods and Great Old Ones threatening the world of Aldea. Let’s look at some of the possibilities: Bonds While Blue Rose has Relationships, Cthulhu Awakens has Bonds, a development […]

Added Ancestries for the Blue Rose Adventurer’s Guide

Other Fantasy Folk for Aldea The Blue Rose Adventurer’s Guide describes the romantic fantasy world of Aldea for Fifth Edition fantasy roleplaying. Aldea is a bit different from some fantasy settings, including the ancestry of its people: the Adventurer’s Guide describes the humans, night people, sea-folk, vata, and the rhydan (psychic awakened animals) of the […]

5E Jamboree!

Mix-and-Match Green Ronin’s 5e Fantasy Offerings Green Ronin publishes a lot of games. It figures: We’re gamers, and we like a lot of games! We also publish material for a number of different game systems. While the Adventure Gaming Engine (AGE) System sees a lot of use these days, and is as close as we […]

Cthulhu Awakens: On Kickstarter Now

Press Release: Cthulhu Awakens Kickstarter is Live!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 02/15/2022 The Cthulhu Awakens RPG Kickstarter is Now Live!   Seattle, WA: Green Ronin Publishing is pleased to announce that the Cthulhu Awakens RPG Kickstarter, first revealed last month, launched today and its campaign will be live until March 23. Cthulhu Awakens is a complete roleplaying game where a diverse set of […]

Running a Shared Universe: Road Maps and Sandboxes

Hello heroes! I hope the multiverse is treating you well today. As some of you may know, in addition to working on Mutants & Masterminds here at Green Ronin, I run my own streaming network The Untold Stories Project. USP is something I started a couple of years ago with some friends of mine who […]